Young Members (16-26 years) of the Creator Team
As a member of the Creator Team, you gain access to the project and job calendar, where you can sign up for project-based employment and workshops. You can participate in artistic and sustainable projects, receiving compensation and certificates for your contributions.
The work supports a process where, through hands-on craftsmanship and creative practices, you discover new talents and build confidence in your abilities. This includes developing skills in project management, teamwork with other young people, creative thinking, and entrepreneurship.
Additionally, you are offered mentorship through the Sculpturethis Mentor Team, which can help you strengthen your future educational and career opportunities.
You will also have the chance to explore your potential and identify new pathways to education or employment, guided by the Sculpturethis Mentor Team.
Businesses as Sponsors
Businesses can join as sponsors and propose projects, jobs, or temporary employment opportunities for the young Creator Team. Sponsors can also receive guidance on sustainable initiatives and social responsibility related to the projects. By involving the Sculpturethis Creator Team, companies may access co-funding opportunities from grants for their projects. Sponsors do not have voting rights in the Sculpturethis Association.
Artists and Other Creative Industries
Artists and other creative professionals can become project members, gaining the opportunity to use the Sculpturethis Creator Team as a workforce for their projects. Project members will have access to a grant application manual to seek additional funding for involving the Creator Team in “apprenticeship” projects. Project members do not have voting rights in the Sculpturethis Association.
Unge medlemmer (16-26 år) af Creator Team
Som medlem af Creator Team får du tilgang til projekt- og jobkalenderen, hvor du kan tilmelde dig projektansættelser og workshops, deltage i kunstneriske og bæredygtige projekter med honorar og certifikater for deres arbejdsdeltagelse. Arbejdet understøtter en proces, hvor du gennem de håndsværksmæssige og kreative arbejdsprocesser opdager finder nye talenter og styrket tiltro til egne evner. Dette inkluderer udvikling af kompetencer inden for projektstyring, teamwork med andre unge, kreativ tænkning og iværksætteri.
Derudover tilbydes du mentorship med Sculpturethis Mentor team, som kan hjælpe dig med at styrke dine fremtidige uddannelses- og jobmuligheder.
Du får ligeledes mulighed for sammen med Sculpturethis Mentor team få mulighed for at finde deres potentialer og nye veje til uddanndelse eller job.
Virksomheder som sponsorer
Virksomheder kan som sponsorer melde ind til det unge creator team med projekter / job eller projektansættelse. Sponsorer har også mulighed for at modtage rådgivning om bæredygtige initiativer og social ansvarlighed i forbindelse med projekterne. Virksomheder vil med inddragelse af Sculpturethis Creator team have mulighed for medfinansiering fra fonde til projekter. Sponsorer har ingen stemmeret i Sculpturethis Forening.
Kunstnere og andre kreative erhverv
Kunstnere og andre kreative erhverv kan blive projekt-medlem, og dermed benytte Sculpturethis’ Creator Team som workteam i deres projekter. Som projektmedlem vil der være adgang til en fondansøgning manual som kan sendes med iht. at søge ekstra fondsmidler til at have det unge Creator team med i ”mesterlærer”. Projektmedlemmer har ingen stemmeret i Sculpturethis Forening.