SKOVartPARKEN is an interactive art installation created by artist Anette Kaas in collaboration with young people from the Sculpturethis Creator Team, AAB Kolding, and Kolding Municipality. The installation, titled “Voices of the Forest,” invites people from diverse cultures to connect through the art installation in Skovparken.

The piece is crafted from circular materials, blending elements from the youths’ daily lives with the sounds of nature. The young Creator Team, together with students from UC Syd, Sonic, Graphic Communication, and IBA Multimedia Design, have co-created the installation through workshops that foster curiosity about art and community while strengthening their confidence in their own abilities.

@designership @sculpturethis_official


SKOVartPARKEN er en interaktiv kunstinstallation skabt af kunstneren Anette Kaas i samarbejde med unge fra Sculturethis Creator Team, AAB Kolding og Kolding Kommune. Installationens navn, ”Skovens Stemmer,” inviterer folk på tværs af kulturer til at mødes gennem kunst i Skovparken. Værket er skabt af cirkulære materialer og kombinerer elementer fra de unges hverdag med naturens lyde. Det unge Creator Team har sammen med studerende fra UC Syd, Sonic, Grafisk Kommunikation og IBA Multimediedesign været medskabende gennem workshops, der fremmer deres nysgerrighed på kunst og fællesskab samt at styrke troen på egne evner.

@designership @sculpturethis_official

Certificate for participation as Sculpturethis Creator Team